Friday, September 26, 2008

no way around it

There is, quite frankly, no point to this blog. Much like circles. Circles have no point, either, and yet circles are found everywhere. Hula hoops, Cheerios, tires, rings, fat-bottomed girls - all are tied together by their roundness. Circles are here to stay, at least for now, in all their vainglorious non-pointedness, and so I am here to stay for now as well, unless my blog suddenly has a point, at which point I will rename this blog 'Triangular' and call it quits.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Michael, I do believe that circles are in fact made of quite a great number of points; they are just aligned in a more subtle manner than those of a triangle.

Probalby don't "call it quits," though. :)