I've realized that I can't love somebody who doesn't like chicken feet, it's true, but not in the sense of preference. There will always be foods that simply don't agree with our taste buds, and that's fine. That's what makes people unique, and it's what makes it easier to do something nice (ie. favorite foods) or something completely spiteful.
Rather, the statement above refers to people who don't like the idea of chicken feet. They hear the words 'chicken feet' and balk. Sometimes they shudder. Almost always they make a face like this:

My problem, though, is not so much with the fact that these naysayers have an initial problem with the dish, it's that they can't seem to push past that initial disgust.
Instead of expressing dislike, why not take this opportunity to try something new?
If somebody is unwilling to try something - just once, even if they end up confirming their beliefs and they hate it - then that's going to be an issue. I'll still like them, sure, but love them? Better put that chicken feet in your mouth, dear.
It's not limited to chicken feet, of course, but the dish seems to be the easiest way to discern how adventurous people are, since most people (including many Asians) really do not like the idea of eating dirty poop-trampling feet.
But the thing is, knowing how delicious the dish is makes it that much more frustrating when people are absolutely unwilling to try it. Not even a bite. Not even a toe.
I think it's amazing that people can be so adamantly against a dish but still eat hot dogs without a problem, despite the probability of there being a healthy dose of pigeon meat and shoelaces. I'm pretty sure pigeons are dirtier than chickens.
Maybe a good first question on a first-date would be: Have you ever tried chicken feet? If not, would you be willing to?
And if the answer is still no, then Barney Stinson's Lemon Law will come into play and I'll go get myself some Dim Sum.
man now getting the cash tickets homies be eating dimsum nonstop maybe i won't hate everything then just suck them all down and laugh all the time. here i went to eat grilled eel and they gave side dishes one of them boiled silk worm larvae which sucked still ate maybe half of them trying to discern that one flavor that made them so nasty but it was really fun i want to try bee larvae and beetles maybe thailand lol?
errr, i never thought about the poop trampling feet part. ugh.
but yeah, chicken feet are really good. hah.
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