Tuesday, September 8, 2009

parking permit required

This is probably a common sight in any suburb, but around here, little punk kids always hang out in parking lots and parks.

Now, I'm pretty sure there are several reasons for this:

1) Drugs. If I were an attention-craving teenager with an addiction to illegal substances, I'd make these deals in public, too, especially in places that people frequent.

Nobody ever said these kids were smart.

I'm not exactly 'with it', so I can only assume that they're buying up the good ol' mainstays such as Pot, Meth, Shrooms, and Ecstasy. Then again, maybe I'm out of the loop and they're getting their jollies through more creative means.

(Gummy Vites, the newest drug on the streets. Img from: Amazon.com)

2) Smoking. Not quite the same as drugs, I'm guessing a lot of teens stand around in parking lots and parks because they want to smoke and they can't do it indoors. Sure, smoking causes lung cancer and second-hand smoke kills, but I think the most unfortunate side effect of the habit is the spitting. I can't fathom how spitting would be even mildly attractive in any context. Unless you're spitting rhymes.

(He may have done every other drug, but Eminem does not smoke cigarettes. Img from: http://clubnotes.pmpblogs.com)

3) Rebellion. It's all about the attitude, and nothing screams attitude more than hanging out where people park their cars and take their children and dogs for walks. How rebellious. Way to stick it to the man...and the elderly couple feeding the pigeons.

(Punks should learn from these guys cause they're just posers. Oh. Snap. Img from:

Certainly these little thug-children loiter around in order to do illicit activities, but there is one more thing that most people tend to overlook. This one thing is the fundamental reason as to why teens choose to hang out in parking lots and parks instead of simply going indoors to talk like normal, well-adjusted people.

They're cheapasses.


Miss Penny said...

hey man i just saw you inhale a gummy vitamin not too long ago! oh snap!

Anonymous said...

so funny. it left me with a well-adjusted smile on my face.