Friday, November 21, 2008

us opun

First impressions are tricky. 

It's important to not be too forward and drop the ball, but at the same time, it's necessary to in-grass-iate yourself to the person you've just net. After all, the first impression is what counts. But there are just so many damn things to be soli-set-ous about. 

For instance, you can say something a little too Graf-ic. If you're at a party (or even if you're not) you can cause too much of a racquet. You may in-volley-untarily brush the person off in some way. Or they may think you're weird through no fault of yours - sometimes people just need a stroke of luck when it comes to first encounters. 

Maybe the person is not a good match - but if they in-deuce disgust and you rally don't like them, do you keep talking to be polite and compl-ace-ent, or do you give them the hosti-let-y that they de-serve? 

If they say something like, "Oh I have to move this weekend," should you offer to Lendl a hand, or is that too pres-ump-tuous? 

Perhaps they make some alley-gation which you don't side with, but, given that you've just met the person, should you flat-out argue with them or just nod to appear a-green-able?

And, if they ask for personal details, should you e-lob-erate, or do you refuse to let them break through that front? 

I guess ultimately it's not that big of a deal - after all, it's just a game. 

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